Welcome to Sortika B2B Services

At Sortika, we understand the importance of innovation and technology in driving growth and success for businesses. That’s why we’re excited to introduce you to our innovative B2B services designed to help businesses like yours improve their financial performance, increase customer engagement, and drive growth.

Our Solution

Our comprehensive suite of financial services includes the following:

Automated PFM (Personal Financial Management) Tool

This tool helps your customers easily track and manage their finances, set budgets and savings goals, and receive personalized advice and recommendations.

Retail Investment Products

We offer a range of investment products, including mutual funds, ETFs, and bonds, designed to help your customers save for their future and reach their financial goals.

Robo-Advisory Solution

Our robo-advisory solution uses advanced algorithms to provide your customers with personalized investment advice and portfolio management services. Perfect for businesses that want to offer investment services without the need for human financial advisors.

Credit Guarantee Solution

Our credit guarantee solution helps your customers secure loans and credit lines, even if they have a less-than-perfect credit history. Ideal for businesses that want to help their customers access affordable credit.

Credit Scoring Solution

Our credit scoring solution evaluates your customers' creditworthiness, helping you make better lending decisions and manage risk.

Personal Passive Savings Solution

Our personal savings solution helps your customers easily save money, set savings goals, save from every digital transaction and track their progress. Ideal for businesses that want to help their customers achieve their financial goals.

Crowdfunding Solution

Our crowdfunding solution allows your customers to raise money for their projects and businesses by connecting them with investors.

P2P Lending / White Label

Peer-to-peer (P2P) lending is a type of financial service that connects borrowers and lenders directly, without the involvement of a traditional financial institution as an intermediary. At Sortika, we offer a B2B P2P lending service that enables businesses to provide loan and financing options to their customers. Our P2P lending service is designed to help businesses offer a more flexible and accessible lending solution to their customers, with lower fees and interest rates than traditional financial institutions. With our service, businesses can offer loans for a variety of purposes, including personal loans, small business loans, and more. In addition to our standalone P2P lending service, we also offer a white label solution. This allows businesses to offer the Sortika P2P lending service under their own brand, as if it were their own in-house lending solution. With this option, businesses can provide their customers with a unique lending experience that is aligned with their brand and mission, while leveraging our expertise and technology.White Label Solution with Proprietary Services Our white label solution with proprietary services allows you to offer your customers a range of financial services, including savings, investments, and credit, under your own brand.

APIs Available for Integration

Our APIs for these solutions are available and ready for integration with your online platform or for businesses that require digitization. We understand that building these solutions on your own can be time-consuming and costly, which is why we offer the option to integrate our services instead. By choosing to integrate our services, you can take advantage of our expertise and experience in the financial services industry without having to invest in the development and maintenance of the solutions on your own. Additionally, our services can be integrated independently, giving you the flexibility to pick and choose the services that best suit your needs. This allows you to build a financial services suite that is tailored to your business and your customers needs.

Schedule a Meeting with Us

We would like to schedule a meeting with you to demonstrate how our solutions can benefit your business, answer any questions you may have, and discuss the integration process in more detail. In order to make this meeting as productive as possible, we would like to ask you to fill out the following questionnaire so we can better understand your business needs and tailor our demo accordingly

Once we receive your responses, we will schedule a meeting with you and our team to discuss how our services can meet your specific needs and to show you how easy it is to integrate our services to your platform.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or would like to schedule a meeting with us, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Our team is here to help and we look forward to the opportunity to work with you.

Email: operations@sortika.co.ke
Phone: +254798087598

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